HNMCP students sow seeds of peace in the Middle East
This post originally appeared on Harvard Law School’s Clinical Blog. Tucked away in an idyllic corner of Maine is a summer camp that features many traditional American activities: singing around bonfires, flag raising ceremonies, Color Wars, and chilly dips in the lake. Less ordinary, however, are the daily dialogue sessions, where Israeli and Palestinian campers…

HNMCP Trains Israeli and Palestinian Youth
JERUSALEM |In partnership with the Harvard University Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program at Harvard Law School, Seeds of Peace offered 32 of its Palestinian and Israeli Peer Leaders (aged 16-17) a three-day training in basic mediation and negotiation. “It was a fascinating opportunity to learn how to overcome obstacles in the negotiation process and how…

Harvard Law Students visit Unity Neighborhood Justice Program in Chile
The fall 2011 semester project with the Ministry of Justice in Chile made news in Santiago when three students went down to do fieldwork. This past January, HNMCP students Leah Kang ’12, Teresa Napoli ’13, and Apoorva Patel ’13 traveled to Chile to investigate the Ministry of Justice’s neighborhood multi-door courthouse pilot program under the…

Students travel to Washington to present plan to close Guantanamo
This story first appeared on Harvard Law Today. A team of negotiators presented a plan to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, a goal President Obama outlined at the beginning of his presidency. But just as the president has faced opposition, so too did the members of this team. When one of them recommended…

Harvard Mediation Program Celebrates 30 Years of Students Resolving Conflicts
by Elaine McArdle After studying law and mediation in the People’s Republic of China post-college, David G. Seibel ’97 was eager to find the best training possible in alternative dispute resolution. He chose HLS in large part because of the Harvard Mediation Program (HMP), a Student Practice Organization which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary…

HNMCP receives the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution’s 2010 Award for Problem Solving in the Law School Curriculum
The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) selected the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program (HNMCP) to be the recipient of its 2010 Problem Solving in the Law School Curriculum Award at its annual awards banquet on January 11, 2011 at the New York offices of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP. The clinic’s director…

Uncommon Loss, Common Bond: HLS Clinic Helps Teens Who Have Been Victimized by Acts of Violence
Mark Hutchinson’s father lost the use of his legs in a bombing in Northern Ireland. Caitlin Leavey was 10 years old when her father, a New York City fire lieutenant, died leading firefighters from Ladder 15 into the south tower of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. For these teens and 73 others…