Scholarship from HNMCP & Affiliates

This page is a gateway to scholarship from Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program faculty and students in the field of dispute management and conflict engagement.

From the Field: A Topic-Focused Guide Series from the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program

This guide series seeks to bring together learnings and insights from HNMCP’s clinical projects since its founding in 2006. The content of each of these guides reflects themes that have recurred across projects in a particular arena of dispute resolution, and includes prescriptive advice drawing on the recommendations our students have provided based on best practices from the field. In order to preserve confidentiality for our clients, these guides do not share the findings or recommendations of individual projects. We hope that this series can be useful to multiple audiences, including experienced practitioners in the field, academics who study dispute resolution systems, and leaders within organizations seeking to strengthen their mechanisms for conflict engagement.

From the Field: An Ombuds Guide

Oladeji Tiamiyu ’20, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Senior Clinical Fellow 2020–2023

The “Ombuds Guide” provides an overview of important learning lessons and insights HNMCP has gathered working with ombuds offices—at government agencies, colleges and universities, non-profits organizations, and private institutions, both domestic and international. It is our hope that this guide will provide guidance for both practitioners in the field and interested stakeholders about the challenges and opportunities with which ombuds grapple.

From the Field: Restorative Justice Guide

Deanna Pantín Parrish ʼ16, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current

The “Restorative Justice Guide” brings together learnings and insights from HNMCP’s experience in the area of restorative justice. The content of this guide reflects themes that emerged in our clinical work through the Dispute Systems Design Clinic, as well as symposia organized by the Harvard Negotiation Law Review in recent years. We hope that these insights can be useful to multiple audiences, including experienced practitioners in the area of restorative justice, academics who focus on conflict management processes, and others—teachers, managers, organizers, activists—who are interested in exploring the possibility of integrating restorative justice practices into their work.

Public Reports from the Dispute Systems Design Clinic

Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs

Deanna Pantín Parrish ʼ16, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
The American Bar Association

This report is the result of a project for the Spring 2021 semester of HNMCP’s Dispute Systems Design Clinic. The students on this project, Julian Huertas GSD ′21 and Daniel Nissimyan GSE ′21, collected the data upon which this analysis and report is based.
Project Supervisor and Report Author: Deanna Pantín Parrish

Rethinking Boston’s Public Safety System

William Roberts ’22, HLS/HNMCP alum
Anna Vande Velde ’21, HLS/HNMCP alum

This report is the result of a project for the Fall 2020 semester of HNMCP’s Dispute Systems Design Clinic
Project Supervisor: Rachel Viscomi

Power, Protest, and Political Change

Brooke Davies ‘21, HLS/HNMCP alum
Daniel Oyolu ‘21, HLS/HNMCP alum

This report is the result of a project designed by Brooke and Daniel for advanced work in the Fall 2020 semester of HNMCP’s Dispute Systems Design Clinic
Project Supervisor: Lisa Dicker



The Seven Elements of Dispute Systems Design

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Neil McGaraghan, HNMCP Senior Clinical Instructor 2017–current
Journal of Law and Policy, vol. 75, no. 1 (2024), 116–151

The Politics of Justice: Analyzing the Politicization of Transitional Justice Processes

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Erin Rebecca Bloom ’15, HLS alum
Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, vol. 38, no. 3 (2023), 303-340

The USIP Learning Agenda: An Evidence Review Party Viability Factors in Peace Negotiations

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Erin Rebecca Bloom ’15, HLS alum
The United States Institute of Peace Learning Agenda (2023)

Technology Driven Racial Reconciliation: A practical guide for the use of technology in truth commissions

Oladeji Tiamiyu ’20, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Senior Clinical Fellow 2020-2023
Amy J. Schmitz, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
Colin Rule,
Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol 38.1, 59-92 (2023)

Just Diversion: Designing Eviction Mediation to Address Incentives & Inequalities

Deanna Pantín Parrish ʼ16, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, Vol. 68:1, 63-94 (2021)

The Impending Battle for the Soul of Online Dispute Resolution

Oladeji Tiamiyu ’20, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Senior Clinical Fellow 2020-2023
23 Cardozo Journal of Dispute Resolution 21 (2021)

Covid-19 and Conflicts: The Health of Peace Processes During a Pandemic

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Danae Askar ’16, HLS alum
Harvard Negotiation Law Review, vol. 25, Issue 2, 213-249 (2020)

Three Ways of Looking at Dispute Resolution

Andrew Mamo ’14, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2017–2020
54 Wake Forest Law Review 1399 (2019)

The Peace vs. Justice Puzzle and the Syrian Crisis

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
C. Danae Paterson ’16, HLS Alum
Paul R. Williams
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law Vol. 24:2 (2018)

The Litigators: Perceptions of Predictability, Definitions of a Good Outcome, and an Alternative to Mass Tort Trials

Lisa K. Dicker ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum; HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2020–current
Shane Hebel ’17, HLS/HNMCP alum
988 The University of Memphis Law Review Vol. 48 (2018)

You Help Me, He Helps You: Dispute Systems Design in the Sharing Economy: New Directions in Community Lawyering, Social Entrepreneurship, and Dispute Resolution

Heather Scheiwe Kulp, HNMCP Clinical Fellow 2012–2014, HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2014–2017
Amanda Kool, HLS Lecturer on Law
Washington University Journal of Law & Policy Vol. 48 (2015)

Foreclosure Dispute Resolution Programs: Do They Work?

Heather Scheiwe Kulp, HNMCP Clinical Fellow 2012–2014, HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2014–2017
Probate & Property, November/December (2013)

A (Mortgage) Crisis in Communication: Foreclosure Dispute Resolution as Effective Response

Heather Scheiwe Kulp, HNMCP Clinical Fellow 2012–2014, HNMCP Clinical Instructor 2014–2017
66 Arkansas Law Review 186 (2013)

Resolving Cultural Property Disputes in the Shadow of the Law

Grant Strother ’12, HLS/HNMCP alum
Harvard Negotiation Law Review (Spring 2014)


Thanks for Listening Podcast Logo

Thanks for Listening

“Thanks for Listening” spotlights efforts to bridge the political divide in the U.S. through dialogue and collaborative processes, profiling the important and often courageous work of individuals and organizations who are helping citizens engage with one another on challenging topics.

In these ten episodes, hosts Sara del Nido Budish and Neil McGaraghan dive deep into such issues as: managing difficult family dynamics and relationships affected by partisan differences; bridging the divides in Congress, the media, and in our social media spaces; training youth to move through conflict and toward civic responsibility; embracing dialogue in the face of extremism; engaging with others on highly emotional issues; and on working to restore divided communities. We hope that through the everyday examples of ordinary and extraordinary people all over the country, listeners will find optimism that we can—and are—moving beyond partisan divides, as well as inspiration to become part of the solution.   

This podcast is made possible with a grant from the American Arbitration Association International Centre for Dispute Resolution Foundation

Convergence Podcast Logo


“Convergence” explores topics at the intersection of dispute resolution and technology.

In these eleven episodes, host Oladeji Tiamiyu speaks with thought-leaders and leading practitioners in the industry covering topics that include: the role technology has had in resolving disputes during the pandemic; ways that technological tools have historically been incorporated into dispute resolution; and creative use cases that technology presents for resolving disputes into the future.

Case Studies

Role simulations focusing on negotiation and conflict engagement skills—written and tested by faculty at the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and ready for classroom use—are available for sale through the HLS Case Studies website.

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