American Bar Association: Approaches to Eviction Prevention
2021 Spring
Project Type:
Conflict Resolution Advice
Dispute System Evaluation
Stakeholder Assessment
Daniel Nissimyan & Julian Huertas
Practice Area:
Court-Related Programs & Access to Justice
The American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students that is not specific to any jurisdiction in the United States. In response to the growing legal needs of Americans arising from the coronavirus (COVID-19), the ABA has created this nationwide task force of volunteer lawyers and judges from across the legal profession. This group is […]
Accountability Counsel
2021 Spring
Project Type:
Curriculum Development & Delivery
Christopher Pumford & Peter Musante
Practice Area:
Global Development & Peacebuilding
Strategic Negotiation & Conflict Consultation
Accountability Counsel supports communities around the world to defend their human rights and environment, specializing in community-driven and policy-level strategies to achieve justice using non-judicial international accountability offices. Accountability Counsel has engaged HNMCP to develop an educational toolkit to help communities prepare for dialogue processes facilitated by international accountability mechanisms […]
Power, Protest, and Political Change
2020 Fall
Project Type:
Conflict Analysis
Conflict Resolution Advice
Brooke Davies and Daniel Oyolu
Practice Area:
Strategic Negotiation & Conflict Consultation
This project was developed by two students who have already taken the Dispute Systems Design Clinic and are engaging in an advanced clinical project. The students will explore the relationship between power and negotiation, particularly through the lens of how people with limited individual power organize and build a movement for political change.
New Hampshire Judicial Branch
2020 Fall
Project Type:
Dispute System Evaluation
Stakeholder Assessment
Nicholas Urban and September McCarthy
Practice Area:
The New Hampshire Judicial Branch has convened an interdisciplinary committee composed of representatives from all parts of the Court system. HNMCP will conduct a project to explore stakeholder experiences, approaches to, and perspectives on remote hearings and the role they may play in ensuring access to justice and serving as a dispute resolution option that courts could offer. Potential final products include recommendations, resources, and/or training materials to improve stakeholder use of and value gained from remote hearings.
Alternative 911
2020 Fall
Project Type:
Dispute System Design
Anna Vande Velde and William Roberts
Practice Area:
Community Engagement & Dialogue Across Differences
The Boston Police Department routinely responds to calls for service involving mental health, homelessness, substance use, traffic incidents, and nonviolent neighborhood or domestic disputes. In the face of nationwide racial disparities in public safety practices, many have advocated for the ability to seek help in addressing these issues without relying entirely […]
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2020 Fall
Project Type:
Dispute System Design
Joshua Freundel and Fenella McLuskie
Practice Area:
Court-Related Programs & Access to Justice
As part of this mandate, the NRC staff has engaged HNMCP to review its existing hearing process for licensing nuclear reactors and develop proposals for a new hearing process that is tailored to efficiently meet the needs of the public, advanced reactor applicants, and other stakeholders.
ATX Hackerspace
2020 Fall
Project Type:
Dispute System Design
Zachary Manley, Priyanka Bagrodia, and Andrew Case
Practice Area:
Strategic Negotiation & Conflict Consultation
ATXHackerspace is a member-run, volunteer-run makerspace in Austin, Texas. Incorporated as an LLC in 2010, ATXHS was begun by three guys who loved computers and making useful things out of wood and metal. The organization’s mission is to offer education and space for creation. ATXHS acts as a gathering place for makers to share […]
Waukegan CUSD #60
2020 Spring
Project Type:
Strategic Negotiation Advice
Eva Wolfangel & Malorie Frayssinet
Practice Area:
Strategic Negotiation & Conflict Consultation
Waukegan Community Unit School District 60 is the 11th largest school district in the State of Illinois, serving almost 16,000 students across 22 schools in kindergarten through grade twelve and employing about 1200 teachers. Waukegan CUSD#60 has engaged HNMCP for strategic negotiation guidance as it begins negotiations with the teachers’ union […]
University of Cincinnati Ombuds Office
2020 Spring
Project Type:
Dispute System Evaluation
Peter Daniels & Katie Cordova
Practice Area:
Strategic Negotiation & Conflict Consultation
The University of Cincinnati (UC) Ombuds Office, celebrating 50 years of continuous operation in 2020, works frequently on cases around evaluative relationships at the university; perceptions of fairness around policy and decision-making; matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and promoting transparent and appropriate communication among parties. As an organizational ombuds […]
U.S. Office of Special Counsel
2020 Spring
Project Type:
Dispute System Evaluation
Kira Hessekiel & Sean Tannenbaum
Practice Area:
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is an independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency whose authorities come from four federal statutes: the Civil Service Reform Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Hatch Act, and the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit’s Mediation […]