Semester: 2014 Spring
Students: Rebecca Slater, Elizabeth Breit
Tuesday’s Children was founded to promote long-term healing in all those directly impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. In 2008, Tuesday’s Children founded Project COMMON BOND (PCB) to bring together teens from the U.S. and around the world who share a “common bond” in living with the loss of a family member in an act of terrorism, violent extremism, or war.
As PCB entered a period of review in its direction and mission, it wanted to think through a more supportive integration into Tuesday’s Children. PCB has invited HNMCP to engage stakeholders—including the Board and staff of both organizations and past PCB program participants—to understand where there are points of both conflict and consensus around PCB’s mission and direction. Building on this stakeholder analysis, HNMCP students will then offer recommendations for a path forward, as well as to develop, and possibly facilitate, a consensus building process that enables PCB to move forward in a thoughtful, productive way.