Justice Call

Picture of 3 women on the Justice Call Project Team

Semester: 2024 Fall

Students: Aryama Bhattacharyya, Rosalinde Nebiolo, Sena Cebeci

Mapping grassroots peace negotiations led by civil society and youth in conflict-affected countries 

Justice Call is an independent organization led by young people in the MENA region that works to promote human rights and the rule of law by enabling young people and the organizations led by young people to drive sustainable change towards a peaceful, democratic, and just society. Justice Call seeks the support of the DSD Clinic in mapping and analyzing Track 3 peacebuilding negotiations. State-level peace negotiations (Track 1) to resolve armed conflict are typically studied and documented processes; Track 3 negotiations, which occur at the local level, are typically understudied. These grassroots negotiations and efforts to build peace can likely provide valuable insights both for Track 1 negotiations structures and also for those seeking to increase peacebuilding at the Track 3 level. The project for Justice Call will seek to: (1) map key examples of local peace negotiations led by civil society and youth in conflict-affected countries in the MENA region and elsewhere; (2) using a systems design approach, identify models, commonalities, differences, and other patterns amongst these negotiations; and (3) begin to develop recommendations and lessons learned to inform future negotiation efforts. 

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