FAIR Fund/Dru Campaign

Semester: 2007 Spring

Students: Rory Van Loo and Sandra Vasher

FAIR Fund is an international organization that supports and engages young women in civic activism to address gender-based violence in their communities and lives.

One in four college women report suffering from sexual violence during their college careers. Moreover, this number is deceptively low because less then 10 percent of sexual assaults are reported to police, according to a National Institute of Justice research report. The Dru Campaign, launched in the Fall of 2006, looks holistically at the issue of sexual violence against young women. FAIR Fund asked HNMCP to create a comprehensive toolkit and training program for undergraduates hoping to advocate for new or better campus reporting polices on sexual violence.

Our work

Step 1: Review of history and best practices of student advocacy and lobbying on college campuses—particularly with regard to campus policies on gender-based violence and safety.

Step 2: Convene focus group discussions with three college campus undergraduate student groups to discuss the toolkit materials.

Step 3: Review and include in the manual best strategies in lobbying, campaigning, and negotiations in this area.

Final Product: A refined toolkit and training guide for college campus activists on creating or improving campus policies on gender-based violence, including the reporting mechanisms for sexual violence.


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