Semester: 2019 Spring
Students: Luis Mack Chan & Adam Parrott-Sheffer
The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate is dedicated to educating the public about the role of the Senate in our government, inspiring civic engagement, and invigorating civil discourse. The Kennedy Institute’s Dinner Conversations program arose out of research into the Kennedy family tradition of engaging in robust conversations and debate at the dinner table.
The Kennedy Institute has engaged HNMCP to help develop its Dinner Conversations program, which aims to bring together high school and college-aged students to engage in facilitated dialogue about important political questions. Through the Dinner Conversations program, the Institute hopes to impart a set of skills that are imperative in a democracy: the ability to listen, to find common ground, and to understand and respect those with whom one disagrees.
Activities & Deliverables
- Research, review, and make recommendations on a process design for the Dinner Conversations facilitated conversation program;
- Create a program facilitator’s guide, including:
- Training and instructional materials;
- Guidance on best practices and key facilitation skills;
- Model questions.