Awards & Competitions


Roger Fisher and Frank E.A. Sander Prize

This prize was established in 2007 by the Program on Negotiation in honor of Professors Roger Fisher and Frank E.A. Sander. This prize may be awarded annually to the best student paper on a topic related to negotiation, dispute systems design, mediation, dispute resolution, or ADR. The amount of the prize is $1,000 and professors who teach in the negotiation curriculum. The winner’s name will also be engraved on a wall plaque to be displayed at the Program on Negotiation. You can read some of the past winning papers here. For questions about HLS Student Writing Prizes, contact April Pettit in the Office of Academic Affairs.

HLS Student Prizes: Writing and others

Each year the Law School awards several prizes for the best papers written by Harvard Law School students in particular areas of the law. Graduating prize winners are noted in the Commencement Program and prize-winning papers are eligible to be published in the School’s public paper series. For questions about HLS Student Writing Prizes, contact April Pettit in the Office of Academic Affairs.

ABA Law Student Division: James Boskey Dispute Resolution Essay Competition

The essay may address any aspect of dispute resolution practice, theory or research that the contestant chooses. Essays are limited to 15-25 typewritten pages, including footnotes or endnotes. The text of the essay must be double-spaced, with twelve-point font and one-inch margins. First Prize: $1000 to the Competition winner and posting of the winning essay and runner-up online. Recent Harvard Law School Winners include:

International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution’s Joseph T. McLaughlin Original Student Article or Paper Award

This essays for this award focus on events or issues in the field of ADR. Outstanding papers prepared for courses requiring papers as substantial part of grade must be recommended for submission by professor. The deadline for submissions is generally in November.


Insight Collaborative Fellowship Program

Each year, the Insight Collaborative Fellowship Program selects a group of exceptional Fellows dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and provides them with an opportunity to turn their passion and determination into action. Through intensive training and planning, Insight Collaborative teaches Fellows how to develop and implement innovative programs throughout the world in a series of three-month placements. Incorporating the knowledge and experience of local partners in the field, Fellows provide training, manage teams, coordinate projects, and help organizations address the needs of those affected by conflict. Most local partners cannot afford the specialized conflict management expertise and services Fellows provide. Fellows donate their time, energy, and passion.


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