American Friends Service Committee


Semester: 2008 Fall

Students: Zeke Reich & Jay Osha

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a multi-million dollar a year charitable organization dedicated to nonviolence and the recognition of the human dignity inherent in every person.

The Quaker focus on consensus-based decision making, equality, and universal participation in public service underpins the organization’s business model.  The challenge of this project is to continue developing a set of decision-making and dispute management procedures for the organization, including a way to coordinate national strategic priorities with regional programming, in a way that promotes effective service delivery while also honoring the Friends’ core values.

Our work

Step 1: Map current conflict resolution methods and systems within AFSC in order to better understand the conflict management needs of the organization.

Step 2: Generate broad options for consideration in designing a future dispute resolution system.

Step 3: Prepare a set of educational materials for delivery from project findings.

Final Product

Systematic summary of conflicts, options paper with future systems/methods possibilities, and presentation of findings.


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