Created by Harvard Law School students, Jyoti Jasrasaria & Daniel Parino
In Fall 2016, as part of its equal pay project, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) reached out to the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program (HNMCP) to create a salary negotiation toolkit for community college graduates. HNMCP students Jyoti Jasrasaria and Daniel Parino talked with community college students, administrators, career services specialist, and equal pay experts to learn what negotiation challenges and successes might be addressed in the toolkit. Below is the fruit of their work: an interactive toolkit to help community college graduates—and anyone looking to improve their work situation—navigate the job search, negotiation, and salary conversation process.
Toolkit Navigation
The toolkit home page is one of two ways in which to navigate through the various sections and modules, with the other being the drop-down toolbar on each slide.
On the home page, we recommend the user begin navigation on the top left icon (the green book) and continue following the path through each section: (1) What matters?, (2) Why should I get it?, (3) How do I get it?, and (4) Salary Negotiation. Within each section, there are three modules, each of which is represented by a different icon: (1) Learn – Book, (2) Practice – Pencil, and (3) Prepare – Clipboard.
Because the toolkit is currently displayed in slideshow format, the functionality of the links requires the user to move his or her cursor over the icon until it is highlighted or glowing, at which point the cursor will allow the user to click on the icon and navigate to the appropriate module. The user must make sure that none of the other icons is highlighted (by dragging the cursor across the screen) before he or she can click a new icon.
In addition to the modules, there are three other links at the bottom: (1) Why this toolkit, (2) Resources, and (3) Meet the Candidates. Each of these links will turn white when it is ready to be clicked. Just as with the icons, the user must ensure that none of the other links are white before he or she can click.
This toolkit looks small on the page. Click on the “enlarge” icon (two arrows) at the bottom right of the image and it will open full screen. Additionally, ignore the arrows at the very bottom of the screen and use the navigation buttons within the slides themselves.