Semester: 2023 Spring
Students: Aaron Hill, Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, Kang Xiong
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is a national, nonpartisan, independent institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical and essential for U.S. and global security. In conflict zones abroad, the Institute works with local partners to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict. To reduce future crises and the need for costly interventions, USIP works with governments and civil societies to build local capacities to manage conflict peacefully. USIP has engaged HNMCP to develop a template framework to use internally that provides a structured and analytically rigorous way to track the implementation of peace agreements. The pilot project will focus on the Cessation of Hostilities agreement signed by parties to the Tigray conflict.
Students will:
- Review existing tools and databases as well as relevant literature on peace agreement implementation;
- Review past case studies to identify common challenges, pitfalls, and sequencing roadblocks in peace agreement implementation as well as indicators of those challenges;
- Interview practitioners and experts in the field of peace processes;
- Participate in (and possibly help facilitate) a USIP convening of subject-matter experts and consolidate the outputs of the workshop and use these as the basis for developing indicators;
- Propose modalities for, and undertake, the collection of information relevant to these indicators (may include interviews, media monitoring, further convenings);
- Present findings, recommendations, and proposed framework to senior USIP staff from the Executive Office, the Inclusive Peace Processes team, and the relevant geographic center (likely the Africa Centre).