State of Vermont Public Utility Commission

Semester: 2017 Fall

Students: Jameyanne Fuller & Brayden Koslowsky

The mission of the State of Vermont Public Utility Commission (VT PUC) is to superintend utilities regulation in Vermont, make independent and impartial quasi-judicial decisions, and formulate public policy on the merits of matters at issue within its statutory jurisdiction in a timely and professional manner that comports with the requirements of administrative due process as determined by applicable state and federal law.

VT PUC has engaged HNMCP to assess current PUC contested-case procedures to determine where alternative dispute resolution tools may be useful, including the potential for a program requiring mediation in certain cases

Activities & Deliverables Envisioned

  • Review VT PUC proceedings to assess whether certiain types of cases might be ripe for the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) tools, such as mediation;
  • Research best practices in other states and develop recommendations for the use of ADR in resolving conflicts;
  • Report summarizing a review of VT PUC’s traditionally contested proceedings that either could, or do, use ADR, as well as recommendations regarding the use of ADR in these proceedings, including outside mediation.
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