Semester: 2012 Spring
Students: Ashley Nyquist and Jake Lee
In 2007, Renmin University worked with the Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD) and the China Disabled Persons Federation to organize the first conference in the PRC on disability rights. Post-conference Renmin University established China’s first law school Disability Law Clinic (DLC).
Renmin University is expanding and strengthening the work of the DLC by engaging more deeply with fledgling NGOs working in the disability area and empowering students, faculty and volunteer lawyers to work with disabled citizens and disabled persons organizations (DPOs) on a variety of legal matters.
At a Renmin DLC meeting DPO representatives expressed a need to strengthen their ability to communicate effectively with government and other key decision makers and enhance their substantive knowledge of the law and the attendant self-advocacy skills that would allow them to protect their rights and interests while advocating for reform. In response to this feedback, the Renmin DLC and the Harvard Law School Project on Disability asked HNMCP lead to a negotiation and consensus building skills training that will help equip leading DPOs with the tools necessary to achieve their advocacy goals.
Our Work
- Research on disability law and the disabled community in China
- Interviews with stakeholders and DPO participants
- Development of a bi-lingual negotiations skills and consensus building curriculum
- Post-training debriefing session with the Renmin DLC
Final Product
- Delivery of a bi-lingual negotiation skills and consensus building curriculum for Renmin DLC
- Bi-lingual (written & audio) simulations that can be used by DPO partners & the Renmin DLC
- Written brief containing post-training recommendations for future activities.