Semester: 2009 Fall
Students: AAatif Iqbal, Inge Osman, & Deena Quitman
The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR), which operates the Raphael Lemkin Center for Genocide Prevention in the former grounds of the Auschwitz concentration camps in Oświęcim, Poland, is dedicated to the prevention of genocide and violent conflict.
As part of its mission, AIPR convenes week-long training and networking seminars for promising mid-level government officials from around the world at its Auschwitz training center. These seminars are intended to raise awareness among participants about genocide, its history, and the need for coordinated global action to prevent such violence. AIPR is partnering for a second project with HNMCP, this time to conduct primary research on institutions—both formal and informal—that function to counteract genocidal violence in societies around the world.
Our work
Step 1: Work with AIPR affiliated scholars and practitioners to design a user-friendly survey for seminar participants about social institutions that either accelerate or counteract genocidal tendencies.
Step 2: Travel to Oświęcim, Poland, to conduct in-person interviews and focus groups with participants at the Rapael Lemkin Seminar on Genocide Prevention.
Step 3: Analysis of findings and compilation of report and educational materials.
Final Product
“White Paper” on institutional bulwarks against genocide, for inclusion in AIPR’s educational materials